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Denby does Dharma is a conversation about all things super and natural in the spiritual realms. Through these podcasts, we share stories, insights and practical advice to help you make sense of this world; and all the others. Get ready to expand your mind, heart and soul. Please note, my podcasts often get removed from YouTube for being too "truthful", so please visit my channel on Bitchute (Denby_Sheather).

Denby Jane's Personal Meeting Room
Lore Versus Law with Grandmother Mulara

Lore Versus Law with Grandmother Mulara

Grandmother Mulara is an Aboriginal Senior LORE Woman. She also holds a Juris Doctor in colonial LAW. She is speaking out now to help bring forth a new dreaming, one that supports and nourishes ALL Australians, regardless of skin color, creed or title. In this revealing podcast she shares some confronting Truths about The Voice, who is behind it, and how it will impact all Australians. The lamestream media would have us believe that this initiative is about returning "sovereign rights" to the First Nations People - as they definitely deserve - when in fact, the exact opposite is true. This is about creating "parliamentary sovereignty", meaning, the government will remove all Native Titles, including your private property rights, your deeds and mortgages, AND the rights to country for Aboriginals, giving them full control over all aspects of our lives. Make no mistake: this is a precursor to Smart Cities and digitialization and paves the way for continued "plandemic" lunacy. The "corporate blaks" that Grandmother Mulara refers to in our conversation, along with a handful of well-paid "Indigenous puppets" are pulling on the consciences of good-natured, decent Australians, making them believe they are bigots if they don't support The Voice. The wound of colonization is alive and well folks and its being used to usher in the New World Order. The Voice appears to offer equal rights to our Indigenous, painting the government as the good guys, but what people don't realize is that the system and protocols being promoted to do this, have been broken and deeply corrupted for a long time. We need to dismantle them and start again, not re-word and re-package them. When you discover the true history of this country, how it was secretly registered as a corporation without our knowing in 1973 by PM Gough Whitlam (and why this was done), you realize just how devastating a YES vote would be. The repercussions of this (alleged) Referendum will determine whether Australia remains "the lucky country", or if it plunges head-first into the gaping jaws of greed-fueled globalists, who will stop at nothing to drain all resources, pollute all ecosystems, and basically destroy all that makes Australia so unique. If you want to keep calling Australia home, VOTE NO TO THE VOICE. Contact Grandmother Mulara: Please share this to raise awareness and educate your fellow Aussies! Blessings, Denby X
Living The Local Life with Helena Nordberg-Hodge

Living The Local Life with Helena Nordberg-Hodge

Helena Nordberg-Hodge has been a voice of action, reason and sustainable sanity since the 1970's. It was a joy to speak with her and discover the multiple avenues and initiatives she has created and supports, that help nourish and elevate the human collective. She truly is an inspiring soul. Linguist, author and film maker, Helena Norberg-Hodge is the founder and director of the international non-profit organization, Local Futures, a pioneer of the new economy movement, and the convenor of World Localization Day. She is the author of several books, including ‘Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh’, an eye-opening tale of tradition and change in Ladakh, or “Little Tibet”. Together with a film of the same title, Ancient Futures has been translated into more than 40 languages, and sold half a million copies. Her latest book is "Local is Our Future: Steps to an Economics of Happiness". Other publications include "Bringing the Food Economy Home" and "From the Ground Up: Rethinking Industrial Agriculture". Educated in Sweden, Germany, Austria, England and the United States, Helena specialized in linguistics, including studies at the University of London and with Noam Chomsky at MIT. Her work, spanning almost half a century, has received the support of a wide range of international figures, including Jane Goodall, HH the Dalai Lama, HRH Prince Charles and Indira Gandhi. Helena is also the producer of the award-winning documentary ‘The Economics of Happiness’, essential viewing for anyone interested in sustainability and economic and financial independence, including environmental science, regenerative farming and living off-the-grid. From 1975, Helena worked with the people of Ladakh, to find ways of enabling their culture to meet the modern world without sacrificing social and ecological values. She was the first outsider in modern times to become fluent in the language. She has helped to initiate localization movements on every continent, particularly in South Korea and Japan, and co-founded both the International Forum on Globalization and the Global Ecovillage Network. Helena is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Right Livelihood Award (aka the “Alternative Nobel Prize”), the Arthur Morgan Award and the Goi Peace Prize for contributing to “the revitalization of cultural and biological diversity, and the strengthening of local communities and economies worldwide.” I think you'd be hard pressed to find another human who has dedicated so much time, effort, money and resources, into educating others about the dangers of globalization, how to reduce their personal footprint, and demonstrating how to live the catchphrase, "be the difference you want to see in the world", through making daily, conscious choices and igniting local communities against the heavy-hands of Big Brother and the global Tyrannosauruses. Connect with Helena: INjoy, Denby
New Age to Jesus with Doreen Virtue

New Age to Jesus with Doreen Virtue

In her spiritual hey-day, Doreen Virtue was known as the best-selling New Age author, around the globe. Since turning to Christ, she has renounced her former life and swapped unicorns and Angel Cards for preaching the Gospel. I'd like to preface this video with a reminder to those who may be triggered by this conversation - be they "New Age" or Christian believers - that none of us has all the answers and that we are ALL still seeking Truth. All we can do is search our own hearts, explore as we are called to explore and be mindful of any practice that may lead us away from the light. To some, that may mean devotion to Jesus, for others it may look like questioning their involvement with certain spiritual modalities and rituals. I don't believe absolutely everything in the "New Age" is evil or inspired by the darkness. Yes, it was constructed with satanic intention to deceive and manipulate, but it also infused a lot of beautiful truths in with the layers of (dark) occult information as well, which sadly, pollutes the "philosophy" as a whole. Yoga for example, is brilliant for health and longevity and has been proven to be of benefit to humans on several levels. I am very aware that certain things about Yoga could be interpreted as dark and that there are aspects of it that do worship demonic deities, but I also know after 25 years of being in the "esoteric industry", that the majority of earth-based practices only serve to reconnect us to Sophia/Divine Mother/Love and strengthen humanity. We also need to develop spiritual maturity and learn to discern for ourselves what is good and what is not so good, soul-wise and energetically. For too long the collective psyche has been deliberately separated from Mother Nature - and individual "inner nature" - which (I believe) is why we now find ourselves at the mercy of technocrats and trans.human.ists and in this "pLandemic" pickle to be honest. This video may even be "strike three" for me because of some of the content we discuss and I will say that I breathed a deep sign of relief when I discovered that Doreen was also "awake" to these agendas and not yet another Christian or spiritual teacher/seeker/follower, who was unable to see through the blatant illusions of the past 2.5 years. If any of us profess to "know God", religious beliefs aside, surely we can see what is anti-life, anti-God and so obviously, anti-human? I believe we all have a responsibility to remember and empower the communal ancestral wisdom that exists inside each one of us on a cellular level and start embodying these innate truths that have inspired and guided us for eons and way before Catholicism and Christianity came to town. * Since recording this interview I have done an even deeper dive into the history of Christianity and its pagan origins, the suppression of sacred Gnostic teachings and the formation and pushing of programs such as "Salvationism" and the "victim-perpetrator bond" by The Roman Catholic Church. Personally, I don't align with what is widely accepted now as the "Savior Complex" and the information and insights I have gleaned through doing these "Yoga/New Age to Yeshua" interviews, as well as my own on-going inquiries, has only confirmed what my original intuitive hit was; that there are major inconsistencies within The Bible and the Christian doctrine as a whole. Check out Israel Anderson, Paul Wallis and Cory Barbee on this platform for further information. I hope you receive what you need from this conversation and know that it is not my intention to disrespect Doreen in any way. I found her to be warm and authentic as she patiently fielded questions that she must get all the time. I respect her path and admire the courage she has shown by following her heart, I just firmly believe that the longer we keep arguing over whose "religion" is right or wrong, the more we play into the hands of the true enemy - that being the small group of satanic psychopaths that currently run the world. I also believe that as "spiritual seekers" with all manner of gifts, experiences and opinions, that we should never stop questioning what we have been told to trust as "history" because without a doubt, history has always been written and re-edited by the "victors". I hope at this present time on earth that we can find the grace to stop judging and voluntarily separating ourselves and just encourage one another to re-look at the stories and manipulated fables that we have ALL grown up on and become attached to, because the reality is, we have all been lied to. For a very long time. I look forward to your comments. Please keep them polite. INjoy, Denby

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© 2021 Denby Sheather

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